Friday, June 22, 2007

The end is almost there

Hi everyone,

I think this will be my last message... :(

Thursday is my last day at and actually I don't really know how I feel. I loved working there and I'm going to miss a lot of people in the office but on the other hand, I'm looking forward to see my baby sister and the rest of my family. I have missed them a lot!

Still was great and I feel bad that it is already over, it is a great company and I believe that it can become a wellknown and successful business. I really believe in them, especially with a manager like Christophe!! If anyone can make it happen ... it's him!!

I don't know if my colleagues read my blog but I will probably tell them personally as well: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! Those 3 months were amazing and I really hope that we can stay in touch. But I have a feeling that our paths might cross again :d

For everyone in Belgium, I will be home the 29th, I can't meet anyone on the 30th (my graduation) and the 1st (graduation + birthday party) but after that you can call me, but you know me ... I have missed you all (well not everyone :)) but the first week I would like to spend with my family

For everyone in London that knows me my email is and you can ask my mobile number if you want, I'm not going to put it on the internet of course :)

I really can't believe it is over (not a good feeling) :(

Big kiss to everyone and who knows, I might keep posting on this blog :)



Friday, June 1, 2007

weekend with parents, Ferda and Antoine


I'm getting tired of saying sorry, but it seems like I will have to do it one more time (believe me, it won't be the last time :d)

Well I'm going to tell you about the weekend that I had, it was amazing. First of all, it was bank holiday, so we had a long weekend! My parents came and Ferda as well.
Ferda arrived Friday at 8.30 pm, so I picked her up in Waterloo and we went immediately for a drink. Julien (a colleague of mine was there as well). After our drink in Waterloo we went to my place and we got ready to go out. We went to a bar in Richmond (don't remember the name) We stayed until 4 am, and the name of the bar was Edward's (ferda just told me :d)
My parents arrived the next morning at 7 am, luckily we didn't have to be there so early, we left my place around 10 am towards Kensington were my parents were staying.

We went to a restaurant and talked a lot of course. In the pictures you can see the most important person in my life, my baby sister. You can also hear her sing if you want :d
We left my parents at around 8 pm and we went back to Richmond, again we did everything every girl needs to do before going out (well maybe not in London :d) because we had to go to Antoine, it was his birthday!
We had an amazing time and Antoine, you're friends are just lovely! I won't tell anything more about that night, the pictures will tell you everything you need to know, that it was a fun night :)

At 4.30 am we got home and the next morning we were back in Kensington with my parents at around 10.30 am. Luckily I have great parents and they understood that we weren't really in the mood to do a lot of things, so we went to a museum that supposed to be about Diane, but that wasn't really the case. I'm glad I saw it but I wasn't impressed.
Ferda had to take the Eurostar back in the afternoon so I took her to Waterloo and after that I went back to my parents. I left around 11.30 pm because it was a long way and my parents had to get up early to catch the plane.
Monday I did absolutely nothing :d, Tuesday it was back to work.

Thursday we went to dinner after work with a few colleagues in London, the food wasn't that good, they didn't serve alcohol ... Well I don't have to say more after that... luckily I have such great colleagues that even, with a restaurant like that, the night turned out to be a success.

I think I said enough for now, I'm not going to say when I'll be writing something again because I probably won't be able to keep that promise, so check my blog once in a while to see if I already found the time.

Last but definitely not least: I want to thank my parents, Ferda and Antoine for the weekend, it was great, I love you guys!

A big hug to you all!


Click here to see the pics

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Work and upcoming weekend

Hi everyone,

Sorry that it took me so long to update my blog, I know a lot of people read it frequently to see how I'm doing, so again sorry.

In London everything is still the same, which is good! I really love it here, so much (and now a lot of people are going to be mad) that I'm going to look for a job here. Don't stress yet, could be that I can't find anything.
At mc-creation everything is fine, I really love working there, it is amazing how much I'm learning, especially from Christophe (the founder and managing director) he is so good with words! The way he can write texts/emails ... not normal! And he's a very good manager as well. I could tell you more good things about him, but I don't know if he reads my blog, if he does, well I don't want to flatter him too much :d anyway I have been working on a new project and I really hope that we can make it happen! I'm even going to the gym several times a week thanks to Antoine. We will try to go out together for dinner next week (I hope) because in a month I'm probably leaving (if I can't find a job somewhere in London, otherwise I will stay in touch with them) and Antoine is leaving for France in July, so we have to enjoy the time we have together!

This weekend my parents are coming to London and I'm musst say I am thrilled, I have missed them so much especially my baby sister!! To bad my whole family isn't coming because I miss them all very much!

And if that wasn't good enough, Ferda is coming as well! So this weekend will be amazing, I will take a lot of pictures and next week I will put them online and tell you all about it at least the things I want to share with you all :d

Huggs and kisses to everyone!


Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hello everyone,

Today I went to Pall Mall because the gumball race started there. I took a lot of pictures for all the guys :d
I musst say, it was amazing!! A lot of nice cars, I wouldn't mind taking a drive in one of those :d
I tried to film something, but it didn't work, so sorry for that, was really funny actually. They were starting the race and one of the cars broke down, they had to push :d:d
But Cé has that on video so you can take a look at his blog. The link of his blog you can find on the right somewhere.
I can't say much, so just take a look at all the pictures I took. It is a shame that the video didn't work, because I know you guys like the sound of those cars :(

Ps: there are a few other pictures, didn't feel like sorting them


Xxx Meli

Click here to see pics

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

especially for Antoine


Antoine especially for you, I will start writing in English, I'm not sure that I'm going to do this every time but I'll try.

A little summary of what I've written already about mc-creation. Well I love working there, my collegues are really nice (especially antoine of course :d).
The tasks are great, a did a lot of research the past couple of weeks, what isn't really a fun job, but it is important and hopefully they will be able to get new clients through this. And don't forget, research is also marketing :d
I told you already that I'm on the site of mc-creation and antoine was so nice to take the picture in the morning (I asked him of course :d)
So as you can hear, everything is going great here, but of course it couldn't be perfect. Yesterday I got home from work and there were a lot of ants in my bedroom (oui antoine, ce n'est pas une blague je pense c'est parce qu' on a parlé de ça l'autre jour! Et il y a aussi les fourmi avec des ailes, c'est vraiment mon cauchemar!! ) the people who know me well, know that I HATE insects! I told my roommate and normally he was getting something today, but he didn't, I got home and the same problem was facing me!! If he doesn't fix it by tomorrow I will call somebody who will and give him the bill! It is really a nightmare!!
So pray for me that those animals will disappear because I can't live like that!

So that was it for today, I'll try to write something during the weekend (but you know me, so ...)



Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Weekendje Clapham

Hallo iedereen,

Sorry dat het weer even geduurd heeft. Zal eens iets neerschrijven over het weekend hé. Wel dit weekend ben ik voor de eerste keer goed op stap geweest met Cé en Anita in Clapham Common. Het was een fantastich leuke avond, spijtig genoeg was ik mijn camera vergeten, maar gelukkig hadden de 2 andere hem wel bij.
Ik zal hier dus wat foto's van Cé opzetten want die van Anita heb ik nog niet.
We hebben zelfs wat filmkes opgenomen, jaja wel grappig om jezelf zo tipsy te zien, want ik was NIET dronken :d
Zul je nog wel horen op een fragmentje, de beelden kunnen wel iets anders zeggen, maar ja die moet je niet altijd geloven :d
We zijn dus eerst naar een bar geweest SO UK genaamd (verbaasd dat ik het weet want ik heb zaterdag miss 10x aan Anita moeten vragen, wat was de naam weer van die bar ...)
Daar hadden we 2 jongens leren kennen en toen de bar sloot, waren we eerst van zins ergens anders naartoe te gaan (iets dat Anita kende) maar dit hebben we niet gevonden. Anita blijft erbij dat het bestaat en dat het daar ergens lag. Omdat we het dus niet vonden, zijn we maar naar 1 van die jongens zijn thuis gegaan en hebben we daar nog wat verder gedronken, natuurlijk heb ik met 1 van die 2 gediscussieerd maar wat had je anders van mij verwacht :d
Toen heeft Cé ons naar huis gebracht (tis toch een schat hé) terwij hij 3 uur later in Waterloo zijn ouders moest gaan afhalen en met hun sightseeing moest doen, had heel veel compassie met hem.
Zaterdag zijn Anita, Roxanne, Stewart (een jongen die Roxanne kende) en ik samen gaan eten (om 4u s avonds en dit was voor ons ontbijt) S avonds zijn we naar een verjaardagsfeestje geweest in Brixton (alle respect voor Cé dat hij daar woont, maar wil er nooit meer komen) Omdat dit niets was (slechte muziek en het volk viel ook niet al te goed mee, veel homo's en ze zijn niet gelijk in België) zijn we terug naar Clapham Common gegaan (SO UK) daar was het wel heel fijn. Iets later zijn we naar huis gegaan met de taxi.
Thuis hebben we verder champagne gedronken (met dit waren we voor we vertrokken begonnen om onze punten te vieren natuurlijk) en heb ik nog wat ambetante telefoontjes gekregen van de jongens die we de avond daarvoor hadden leren kennen. Ze zijn dan wel 26, maar ze hebben de mentaliteit van een 12 jarige :d tzijn dan natuurlijk ook wel mannen ...

Zondag ben ik naar Richmond teruggekeerd en redelijk vroeg gaan slapen. Kan je zeggen had het nodig, want de voorbije 2 dagen op het werk zijn zwaar geweest (het is ook heel druk, veel nieuwe projecten)

Zo geniet van de foto's en de filmkes als ik ze erop kan zetten tenminste.

Klik hier voor entertainment



Monday, April 16, 2007

check website

Hallo iedereen,

Even nog rap iets posten want het is al weer even geleden, sorry daarvoor.
Op mijn stage gaat nog alles super!! Als je de website nog niet bekeken hebt dan moet je dat nu zeker doen. dan naar who we are en dan meet the team gaan. Ik ben er zeker van dat jullie 1 bekende persoon gaan zien :d

Voor de rest heb ik niet veel gedaan. Dit weekend was het fantastisch weer maar heb vernomen dat het in België zelfs warmer was dus ja ...
Zaterdag heb ik langs mij een heel groot park ontdekt dus heb ik daar de namiddag doorgebracht met een goed boek.
Zondag ben ik naar East - Dulwich gegaan, naar Anita en Roxanne (haar roommate) en hebben we eigenlijk de hele dag niets gedaan, gewoon lekker geluierd met pims voor ons :d
Wie pims niet kent wel dat is eigenlijk een soort cocktail van hier met een beetje alcohol (de meeste doen er appelsien, limoen, ... in) Heel lekker moet ik zeggen, ik heb mijn vervangdrankje dus al gevonden. Want spijtig genoeg verkopen ze hier geen Pushkin (zwarte wodka).
De wijn trekt hier wel echt op niets!! Je betaalt hier 4.70 pond (ongeveer 7,5 euro) voor een glas wijn en hij is niet te drinken. Pims zijn veel goedkoper maar £ 1.5 soms £ 2.

Ik ga proberen dit weekend er nog eens op uit te trekken en een paar dingen bezoeken zodat jullie ook wat foto-plezier hebben.

Wou er nog foto's opzetten van mijn stage, maar er is blijkbaar een probleem dus ik zal ze er een andere keer opzetten.

