Friday, June 22, 2007

The end is almost there

Hi everyone,

I think this will be my last message... :(

Thursday is my last day at and actually I don't really know how I feel. I loved working there and I'm going to miss a lot of people in the office but on the other hand, I'm looking forward to see my baby sister and the rest of my family. I have missed them a lot!

Still was great and I feel bad that it is already over, it is a great company and I believe that it can become a wellknown and successful business. I really believe in them, especially with a manager like Christophe!! If anyone can make it happen ... it's him!!

I don't know if my colleagues read my blog but I will probably tell them personally as well: THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! Those 3 months were amazing and I really hope that we can stay in touch. But I have a feeling that our paths might cross again :d

For everyone in Belgium, I will be home the 29th, I can't meet anyone on the 30th (my graduation) and the 1st (graduation + birthday party) but after that you can call me, but you know me ... I have missed you all (well not everyone :)) but the first week I would like to spend with my family

For everyone in London that knows me my email is and you can ask my mobile number if you want, I'm not going to put it on the internet of course :)

I really can't believe it is over (not a good feeling) :(

Big kiss to everyone and who knows, I might keep posting on this blog :)




Anonymous said...

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