Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hello everyone,

Today I went to Pall Mall because the gumball race started there. I took a lot of pictures for all the guys :d
I musst say, it was amazing!! A lot of nice cars, I wouldn't mind taking a drive in one of those :d
I tried to film something, but it didn't work, so sorry for that, was really funny actually. They were starting the race and one of the cars broke down, they had to push :d:d
But Cé has that on video so you can take a look at his blog. The link of his blog you can find on the right somewhere.
I can't say much, so just take a look at all the pictures I took. It is a shame that the video didn't work, because I know you guys like the sound of those cars :(

Ps: there are a few other pictures, didn't feel like sorting them


Xxx Meli

Click here to see pics

1 comment:

Annechien said...

stom dat er geen mannelijke pitspoezen bestaan e! Da was echt het eerste waar ik aan moest denken toen ik de foto's zag, ook al was die linkse nie zo wauw :-)

Werk nog heel goed want ge zit al bijna in de helft daar.

Dikke zoen,